Welcome to our new store

Donhou frame building bicycle store and workshopThe process, the making of, the sound of a hole saw cutting metal, dirty file handles from years of use and the smell of oiled steel... All things you could only get a glimpse of on Instagram or Youtube, but for us, they are such a big part of who we are and what we offer, that simply wasn't enough. 

We're pleased to present to you our new space. A workshop, showroom and viewing gallery combined. We're no longer tucked away in an upstairs corner of an old industrial building, where only a few customers could come visit if they could find us. We now have a full showroom, a space to compliment and exhibit our bikes in their full glory. And with our workshop behind glass, it's also a space where you can actually come and see the frames being crafted, hear the soft grinding of the hole saws and get an occasional whiff of those oiled tubes! 

As well as selling our own frames and bicycles, we also want to use the shop to promote more sustainable cycling products, so we've kind of done the scouting for you if thats something thats important to you (as it is to us). Plus we'll be offering repairs, hosting events and much more...

So come down, grab a drink, take a look at the bikes and see some frames getting made. We look forward to seeing you!

See location here.

Donhou frame building bicycle store and workshop road bike hangingDonhou frame building bicycle store and workshop utility bicycle on tableDonhou bicycle store bike packing cycling booksDonhou frame building bicycle store and workshopDonhou frame building bicycle store and workshop pictureDonhou frame building bicycle store and workshop tubes columbus reynoldsDonhou_workshop_bicycle_fork_extractorDonhou frame building toolsDonhou frame building bicycle store and workshop window