Donhou Utility launches!

Our Utility bike is optimised for speed, comfort, safety and front loading. A very functional machine, wrapped in some of the features our custom town bikes have won multiple awards for over the years. 

Doing a mid week shop? You're daily commute? Or you need to load up for a weekend pic nic? If you think a cargo bike is more than you need, then this is about as functional as you get before needing to make that jump.

Our Utility project has been many years in the making. From our very first full custom town machines, we wanted to turn some of those into a more affordable package. After all a city bike needs to be something you can leave locked up with little worry.

As times and needs have changed over the years, so has this project and we're really pleased with where we are now at. A very functional and dedicated Utility bicycle with some of those beautiful touches you'd expect from Donhou Bicycles. 

For all the information, check out the Donhou Utility page.

Donhou utility bike mustard yellow against wallDonhou utility porteur bike bicycle mustard yellow